2 Stockport Exchange Complete

2 Stockport Exchange Complete

The latest phase of development at the award winning Stockport Exchange is now complete. 2 Stockport Exchange is a six-storey, 61,500 sq ft, Grade A office soon to be home to global chemical company BASF, who will take 21,500 sq ft of the office building as their UK headquarters.

Hannan Associates provided Building Services Engineering & BREEAM consultancy for this project, the third phase of development work at Stockport Exchange.

2 Stockport Exchange incorporates environmentally friendly design features such as a green roof system, secure cycle store, showers and lockers facilities to encourage people to cycle to work and low energy LED lighting throughout. Features include the use of natural daylight and enhanced building fabric performance to minimise the building’s carbon emissions, creating a reduction in its indirect impact on climate change. The building has been designed to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating and an EPC ‘A’ rating.

We are proud to be part of Muse Development’s team for this development and witness first hand the transformation of this area over the last ten years to a high quality commercial quarter incorporating attractive public realm, a hotel, retail, improved car parking and better connectivity between the station and the rest of the town centre.

Muse Developments are Stockport Council’s development partner for Stockport Exchange, which forms part of the council’s wider £1bn town centre regeneration plan for Stockport.  Other members of the project team include Aedas ArchitectsRPS GroupGillespies, Buro Four, Curtins Consulting and main contractor GMI Construction Group.

John Walker

John Walker


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200
David Green

David Green

Mechanical Design & Building Physics Engineer

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

Meet the Team Q&A: Hayley Sheppard

Meet the Team Q&A: Hayley Sheppard

Name: Hayley Sheppard

Role: BREEAM & Sustainability Consultant

How did you become a BREEAM & Sustainability Consultant?

I was interested in the environment. I was brought up in the countryside and as a kid I always noticed things like littering and it upset me. I always had a real sense of wanting to protect the environment.   

I studied Environmental Management and Sustainability at University and my first job out of Uni was for a local company offering Carbon accreditations. This leant itself really well working with companies and assessing their performance in relation to sustainability.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I do enjoy the project management aspect, completing projects and getting certificates is satisfying. I also love seeing innovative technologies and building solutions – it never ceases to amaze me how ingenious humans can be to solve problems. I also love noseying around sites and new buildings before they open to the public!

Out of all the projects you’ve been involved with have you got a favourite and why?

My first BREEAM certificate was quite a special one; it was a new university building in Liverpool so that was memorable. My favourite current project is probably the Ralli Quays office building in Salford. The design team is really proactive and pushing the boundaries with this building and it’s exciting to watch it unfold.

How has the industry changed since you first started your career?

When I did my degrees, the industry was really starting to gain momentum. I would say that is still building and there is so much more ‘noise’ around sustainability, but I’m not sure it’s translating into enough action

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I enjoy being active; riding my horse, mountain biking and walking the dog with my partner, we also love going out for tea!

If you weren’t an engineer, what would you be?

I tried to be a professional horse rider out of college and I wasn’t brave enough! So I’d probably be a psychologist. I am very interested in mental health and do believe it is intrinsically linked to achieving a sustainable society.

Hayley Sheppard

Hayley Sheppard

BREEAM & Sustainability Consultant

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

BREEAM 2018 Update

BREEAM 2018 Update

The latest BREEAM scheme was launched back in March 2018. Two years on, how are design teams finding it?

As we are all aware, there has been a significant increase in media coverage on climate change in recent years. There has been a notable increase in flooding, more forest fires around the world from Australia to California, and major deforestation of the tropical rainforests to make way for animal agriculture. Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion have risen up in response to these disasters and the increasing amount of evidence stacking up is hard to ignore – things need to change.

Most people agree that the climate crisis needs addressing. It is something that clients are concerned about too and it seems that BRE is looking to harness this sudden wave of activity.

Early Actions

The 2018 New Construction scheme places a real focus on completing sustainability actions much earlier in the design process. There are a whole host of credits which need to be completed at Concept Stage design or earlier.

Preparation & Brief (stage 1) and concept design (stage 2) requirements include:

  • Man02- Elemental life cycle cost analysis
  • Mat01 – Materials life cycle assessment of embodied carbon
  • Ene04 – Passive design and LZC feasibility analysis
  • Tra01 – Travel Plan and assessment
  • Mat03 – Sustainable Procurement plan
  • Wst01 – Pre-demolition audits
  • Wst05 – Climate change adaptation appraisal
  • Wst06 – Disassembly & functional adaptability studies
  • Ene01 – Energy workshops for future operational energy

Mat01 – Embodied Carbon in Construction Materials

The key change that seems to be catching a lot of teams out, is the introduction of life cycle assessment of materials (Mat01 LCA). This seems to be being confused with life cycle costings – which do form a part of the scheme under Man02 and can be assessed alongside the LCA but are different credits.

The Mat01 LCA seeks to bring the embodied carbon within construction materials into better understanding, enabling teams to select materials with a lower embodied carbon. Extraction, processing, packaging, and transport processes– the emissions associated with construction material can be vast before the building is even operational.

 UK Green Building Council – Net Zero Carbon Buildings: A Framework Definition https://www.ukgbc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Net-Zero-Carbon-Buildings-A-framework-definition.pdf

One of the difficulties in achieving these credits is how early they are required to be completed. Options appraisals for LCA must be carried out and submitted to BRE before planning permission is applied for. The logic being that once planning is approved, the design of a building is fairly fixed and the opportunity to select different materials is limited.

The materials section has also had its weighting increased to 15% – the second highest weighted category after Energy. It is a section which needs taking very seriously if Excellent ratings are required.


Transport is the other section which has had a major overhaul. A travel assessment must be completed by stage 2, with a variety of sustainable transport options assessed under Tra02 to accumulate points which convert into credits depending on the public transport accessibility of the location. Points are awarded for implementing measures such as EV charging points, car sharing schemes and dedicated spaces; increasing amenities and public transport services and consultation with the local authority on the local cycling network.

MEP Design

There is no doubt that there is more onus on all members of the design team to incorporate BREEAM into the design from the beginning, and the MEP design makes up a significant part of this.

Passive design analysis, and LZC feasibility studies must be completed by Concept Design, plus for higher BREEAM ratings such as Excellent.

Ene01 has also had changes with credits awarded for undertaking a stage 2 energy workshop in relation to informing additional and more accurate modelling of operational energy at stage 4.

Buildings which have their heating and hot water demand met completely through electricity also score higher than buildings which are still utilising gas boilers under Pol02, therefore favouring solutions such as heat pumps and VRF systems.

Inherent Architecture 

Architects are usually the team involved in a new building before any other, and key decisions are often made before the decision to undertake a BREEAM assessment is decided.

Many decisions relating to material efficiency, building orientations, layouts and how the building will cope with changing climate are made as part of any evolving discussion with the client, but we are seeing the need to increasingly undertake these reviews in relation to sustainability. Wst05 & Wst06 reports are required to be completed by stage 2, with input into the Mat01 assessment.

Rewarding Joined up Thinking 

In addition to the early actions, there are more requirements for linking design work across the stages and across disciplines. Mat01 LCA must be carried out at concept design, and again at technical design. The same applies for designs for disassembly and functional adaptability, with revisions also needed for sustainable procurement plans. Joined up thinking is also rewarded with an exemplary credit available where life cycle costings and life cycle assessment of materials is completed at the same time, and another exemplary credit where all credits associated with addressing climate change are achieved.

BRE – Pushing Best Practice Forward 

BREEAM New Construction 2018 seeks to push the best practice of the construction sector forwards. Should concrete framed buildings that don’t consider operational energy really be classed as ‘Excellent’ rated sustainable buildings?

Should buildings which are built on greenfield sites with limited replacement planting really be classed as sustainable?

The questions are challenging, but options for the built environment are becoming more difficult to rationalise in the face of the emerging climate crisis.

For more details of our BREEAM related services please visit our BREEAM page. If you would like to talk to us about BREEAM 2018 in more detail please drop us an email.


Hayley Sheppard

Hayley Sheppard

BREEAM & Sustainability Consultant

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +44(0)161 337 2200

Harrier Park, Hucknall

Harrier Park, Hucknall

Work is now underway on the 67 acre mixed-use development at Harrier Park, Hucknall in the East Midlands.

Harrier Park is an exciting joint venture between Muse Developments and the site-owner Rolls-Royce that will bring forward commercial space, industrial units, new homes, a primary school and community facilities, which is expected to create a number of jobs in the area.

In January this year, technology and resources supplier RM Resources signed up to take a 195,840 sq ft building at the scheme for which main contractor GMI Construction Group have been appointed and ground has now been broken.

Hannan Associates are providing building services design, procurement, construction monitoring, BREEAM and Sustainability services for the project.

We are very pleased to be a part of the team working on this exciting development, alongside Muse, Rolls-Royce, The Harris Partnership, WSP, Re-Form Landscape Architects, RPP and main contractor GMI.

Hannan project contact: David Green –

[email protected]

Hannan project contact: Andrew Bailey –

[email protected]

Welcome to the Team Hayley Sheppard

We are very pleased to introduce you to Hayley Sheppard, the latest member of the Hannan team.

Hayley is a BREEAM Advisory Professional and has joined Hannan Associates as a BREEAM & Sustainability Consultant. We wish her much luck and happiness in her new role.

Welcome Hayley!

“I like to lead BREEAM from the fore as much as possible, It should be embedded in the project as early as possible to really reap the benefits. I am very passionate about sustainability and driving this as an agenda. The thing I enjoy most is that I am working as a sustainability professional inputting into new buildings and therefore contributing towards achieving a sustainable built environment. I believe in the possibilities of sustainability without detracting from our quality of life and that is the thing I get most excited about.”

If you would like to talk to Hayley about BREEAM and Sustainability please do not hesitate to get in touch: [email protected]

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