Omega Business Park, Warrington

Omega Business Park, Warrington

Omega Warrington


Over a ten year period we provided site wide utilities strategy information and MEP contribution for the master planning proposals, utilities infrastructure appraisal, design and procurement for this 775 acre mixed use development, which includes around around 2.5m sq ft of logistics space, a mixed use retail & leisure park, parkland and plans for 1,400 new homes.

Omega is home to Brakes, Hermes Parcelnet, Travis Perkins, Asda, the Hut Group, Plastic Omnium, Amazon, Dominoes, Royal Mail and the Delivery Group.

The 226 ha site straddling the M62 (J8) near Warrington comprises a large part of the former RAF/ USAF Burtonwood Airbase.

Our role included providing MEP Consultancy Services for performance design, tender & installation duties for all Cat A works across the scheme to date, together with Cat B works in the majority of the units for the integral offices and associated support accommodation. 

Other duties included planning submission support, BREEAM assessment, utilities provisions for the tenant developed plots and pre and post exchange tenant liaison for the utilities.

We  have also provided technical support on site stage progress and quality monitoring, through to completion/handover stage, for all of the OWL developed buildings on the North and South sites

The Hannan industrial team is very proud to have contributed toward the outstanding success of Omega Warrington over the last ten years and look forward to any future development on the site.

Omega is being delivered by Omega Warrington Ltd (OWL) in partnership with landowner the Homes and Communities Agency and supported by Warrington Borough Council and the Cheshire and Warrington LEP.

About This Project


CLIENT : Miller Developments


ARCHITECT : Chetwood Architects


PROJECT VALUE : £1 Billion



For further details of our work at Omega Business Park and other industrial projects please click here:

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Lingley Mere Business Park, Warrington

Lingley Mere Business Park, Warrington

Lingley Mere Business Park, Warrington


Lingley Mere is an established business park in the North West, which is currently home to over 3,000 office workers and is to be taken forward under a masterplanned development programme to provide 1.25m sq ft of business space and related amenity facilities within an outstanding landscaped environment.

We provided the following services:


  • Site wide infrastructure duties
  • Performance duties for 4 no. office buildings comprising of 50,000 sq ft of office accommodation.
  • Detailed design duties for the design of the new ODPM Fire Control Centre
  • Performance duties for the design of a 46,607 sq foot three storey Contact Centre
  • Feasibility studies for the development of a Hotel scheme, Amenity Building and another small office building

    About This Project


    CLIENT : Muse Developments


    ARCHITECT : Leach Rhodes Walker


    PROJECT VALUE : £200 M


    CONTRACT DURATION: 2003 – 2009

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